About the author

Ole Lund Kirkegaard (29 July 1940, Aarhus — 24 March 1979) was a Danish writer of children's literature and youth literature and a teacher. He mainly wrote about the interaction between adult and child. The main character in his books is usually an anti-hero. In 1969 he was awarded with the Danish Ministry of Culture's children book prize (Denmark) (Kulturministeriets Børnebogspris)

Kirkegaard grew up in Skanderborg just south of Aarhus and many of his stories were inspired by his own childhood experiences there. He also illustrated his own books. On a cold winter night in 1979 Kirkegaard, on his way home, fell in the snow and could not get up again, after having had too much to drink. He froze to death on location, at just 38 years of age. The street of Ole Lund Kirkegaards Stræde in Skanderborg, is named after him.

Hodja fra Pjort og andre historier

Ole Lund Kirkegaard er en af de største danske børnebogsforfattere nogensinde, og hans bøger har glædet børn og deres voksne i årtier. Denne bog samler tre af de sjoveste og mest eventyrlige historier. Mød Hodja, der får et magisk tæppe, Albert, der er frygteligt fræk, men ikke så dum endda – og endelig drengene, der er oppe mod byens skrækkeligste bølle, Orla Frø-Snapper.
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Printed pages318
Publish date02 Nov 2017
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702242713