About the author

Erik Homburger Erikson (born Erik Salomonsen; 15 June 1902 – 12 May 1994) was a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase identity crisis. His son, Kai T. Erikson, is a noted American sociologist.

Despite lacking a bachelor's degree, Erikson served as a professor at prominent institutions, including Harvard, University of California (UC Berkeley), and Yale. A Review of General Psychology survey, published in 2002, ranked Erikson as the 12th most cited psychologist of the 20th century.


Ungdom og kriser

Bogen redegør grundigt og med mange eksempler for de unges identitetsdannelse og problemerne forbundet hermed. Giver samtidig væsentlige bidrag til en forståelse af såvel køns- som raceidentitet.

10,57  USD
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Printed pages336
Publish date01 Sep 1992
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788741232041