About the author

Arnold Mindell (born January 1, 1940) is an American author, therapist and teacher in the fields of transpersonal psychology, body psychotherapy, social change and spirituality. He is known for extending Jungian dream analysis to body symptoms, promoting ideas of ‘deep democracy,’ and interpreting concepts from physics and mathematics in psychological terms. Mindell is the founder of process oriented psychology, also called Process Work, a development of Jungian psychology influenced by Taoism, shamanism and physics.

Lederskabets kunst

en introduktion til dybdedemokrati

Mindell præsenterer os for en banebrydende ny opfattelse af lederskab og konfliktløsninger. Han frisætter os fra at stivne i identifikation med bestemte roller - leder-medarbejder, lærer-elev ... Vi kan løse de konflikter, der findes, i det kollektive felt. En proces, der fører til kreativitet og fornyelse.
17,91  EUR
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Printed pages164
Publish date16 Jan 1996
Published byKlitrose
ISBN print9788777280771