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The Stepbrother - Erotic Short Story

Jenni is reasonable. She knows what is right and what is absolutely forbidden. Christoffer is her stepbrother. Suddenly, Jenni starts seeing him in a new light. And she is not just seeing and looking at him – she wants him. Jenni tries to put suppress her erotic desire. Being turned on by your stepbrother is absolutely unacceptable.

But when the feelings don’t go away, she decides to welcome them.
B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.
2,19  EUR
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Printed pages15 Sider
Publish date26 Nov 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726287790