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Word Warrior Woman

Power through poetry

Word Warrior Woman - Power through poetry by Louise W. Diamant This book is written with the power of poetry from the heart of a woman. Each poem telling a story of life lived. It's the inner work experienced and written on paper for other women to read. A primordial force of words which originate from generations of women through a bloodline of witches, mages, seers and storytellers. The DNA from an underworld of magic and power. This collection of poems is meant to help other women rise. This is a step back in time with a leap of faith into the future. Louise W. Diamant. Born 1975. Poetess. Living in Denmark. Speaker. Performer. Lover of poetry. Helping other women to rise and to discover and feel the power they were born with. Creator of the course Word Warrior Women. A course where each session is designed to bring you deeper into the soul of your own personal poetry. I love to perform, and I love the stage, the mic and the audience. My poetry is not written in silence – it’s written to be heard. Every poem in this collection is written from my heart and with the passion that drives me in helping other women finding their love for life and poetry.
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Printed pages
Publish date26 Aug 2020
Published bySaxo Publish
ISBN epub9788740471007