The Outsiders, ER B

The rich boys, called the Socs, are fighting the poor boys, the greasers. As greasers, Ponyboy and his brothers always have to watch their step. Luckily they can count on their friends Dally, Two-Bit, Steve and Johnny to help them fight the Socs. But one night things get out of hand, and Ponyboy learns all about the true meaning of friendship.

Easy Readers er bearbejdede og forkortede udgaver af romaner og noveller. De findes på niveau A, B, C og D, hvor A er lettest. Niveauerne relaterer til Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2 til B2).

16,42  USD
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Printed pages104
Publish date15 Jan 2014
Published byEasy Readers
ISBN print9788723505507