Meetings of Cultures in the Black Sea Region

between conflict and coexistence

Meetings of cultures arouse strong feelings. In this volume, nineteen scholars from Denmark, France, Georgia, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, and Ukraine present a profound discussion covering various topics from the physical arena of the colonial encounters, to the layout of land and protection of cities, to the dynamics of the cultural exchange, to the perception of how it was to be Greek in the Pontic realm, and finally, to the reciprocal strategies exerted by the Greeks and Scythians in Olbia as described in Herodotos´s Skythian Tale.

Through the many-sided contributions it is revealed how the self and the other are two sides of the same coin - yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
38,04  EUR
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Printed pages422
Publish date15 Apr 2009
ISBN print9788779344198