About the author

Rane Willerslev is a Danish anthropologist. In his academic career, he has travelled extensively and has a particular interest in primitive tribal cultures, both present and prehistoric. On 1 July 2017, he was appointed director of the National Museum of Denmark by Culture Minister Mette Bock.

In Denmark, Willerslev is a popular media personality, engaging in TV and radio shows, public panel debates, and interviews relating to his academic interests and his opinions on society and education at large. He has written and co-authored several books, including academic, fictional and biographic works.

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På flugt i Sibirien

Zobeljagt, russisk mafia og 65 minusgrader

 En dramatisk og lettere vanvittig historie fra det iskolde Sibirien. For at gøre en ende på århundreders udnyttelse af de sibiriske zobeljægere iværksatte antropolog Rane Willerslev et idealistisk pelsprojekt. Men det gik hurtigt skævt, da han kom på tværs af den russiske mafia og måtte flygte ud i den nådesløse tajga, hvor jagten er et spørgsmål om liv eller død.

10,06  EUR
EditionEdition 1
Printed pages
Publish date01 Oct 2015
Published byGyldendal
ISBN audio9788702183665