
Idyllia began as a thought experiment. What would happen if idyllic scenarios that people imagine in their minds were turned into realities in the world? How might these personal idylls become dystopian when their lack of social engagement becomes apparent?

Over the course of the writing, various stories went off in different directions, departing wildly from the author’s initial ideas and control, popping up unexpectedly in exhibitions of contemporary art, coming into being and existing only in digital form...

Eventually the author realised he had come to write a sort of sci-fi without really having had the intention, and along the way unearthed the previously unknown genre of Idyllic Factualism.

The stories in Idyllia ask difficult questions about human imagination and will, the nature of the near future, and suggest beginnings of answers that are unexpected and surprising.
15,16  USD
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Printed pages118
Publish date28 May 2024
ISBN print9788794538015