About the author

Svend Brinkmann is a Danish Professor of Psychology in the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. He serves as a co-director of the Center for Qualitative Studies. His research is particularly concerned with philosophical, moral, and methodological issues in psychology and other human and social sciences. In recent years, Svend Brinkmann has been studying the impact of psychiatric diagnoses on individuals and society.

About the author

Rasmus Christian Elling (born 1978) is a Danish scholar of Middle Eastern Studies, specialising in the Urban and Social History of the region, in particular that of Iran. An associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, he is the author of several articles and books about Iran's contemporary society and modern history, including Minorities in Iran and the recently published volume in Danish, Irans moderne historie. A fluent speaker of Persian and English, he is a frequent commentator on Danish, English, and international Persian media on matters relating to Iran, Iranian politics, and Danish-Iranian Relations.

Kultursociologi og kulturanalyse

Kultur er et mangfoldigt begreb og dækker vidt forskellige ting som kunstgenstande, sociale omgangsformer og forskellige landes karaktertræk. Samtidig er kultur et uomgængeligt begreb i samfundsvidenskaben, hvor kultur kan forklare mange sociale fænomener.

Denne bog giver en bred introduktion til kultursociologi og kulturens betydning for det sociale liv under tre temaer:

- Kulturbegrebet i teori og praksis

- Kultur som samfundsindretning

- Kultur, sundhed og det hele liv

Bogen er redigeret af Michael Hviid Jacobsen, professor på AAU, og Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, lektor på SDU, og rummer bidrag fra sociologer i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og England.

55,86  EUR
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Printed pages400
Publish date03 Jan 2017
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788741260570