About the author

Joan Didion (; born December 5, 1934) is an American essayist. In the late 1960s, Didion's reportage brought Californian subcultures to wider attention. Her political writing often concentrated on the subtext of rhetoric. In 1991 she wrote the earliest mainstream media article to suggest the Central Park Five had been wrongfully convicted. In 2005, she won the National Book Award for Nonfiction and was a finalist for both the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Biography/Autobiography for The Year of Magical Thinking. She later adapted the book into a play, which premiered on Broadway in 2007. In 2017, Didion was profiled in the Netflix documentary The Center Will Not Hold, directed by her nephew Griffin Dunne.

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Et år med magisk tænkning

Genudgivelse i paperback.

I julen 2003 blev Joan Didion og hendes mand, John Gregory Dunnes datter alvorligt syg. Nogle dage senere, netop hjemvendt fra et besøg hos hende på hospitalet, sætter de sig til at spise aftensmad, da John falder død om, ramt af et hjerteslag. Et år med magisk tænkning er Didions smukke, ærlige og usentimentale forsøg på at forstå "de uger og siden måneder, som ændrede enhver fast forestilling, jeg havde haft om død, om sygdom, om held og uheld, om medgang og modgang, om ægteskab og børn og erindring, om sorg". Dybest set håber hun på, at han vender tilbage, og det er denne irrationelle tankegang, der er magisk tænkning.


14,97  USD
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Printed pages176
Publish date06 Mar 2018
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702261738
ISBN epub9788702283723
ISBN audio9788702330113