About the author

Colum McCann (born 28 February 1965) is an Irish writer of literary fiction. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and now lives in New York. He is a Distinguished Professor of Creative Writing in the Master of Fine Arts program at Hunter College, New York with fellow novelists Peter Carey and Tea Obreht, and has visited many universities and colleges all over the world.

His work has been published in 35 languages and has appeared in the New Yorker, Esquire, and the Paris Review, among other publications. He has written for The New York Times, Esquire, Paris Review, and The Atlantic Monthly, as well as many other international publications.

McCann has written six novels, including TransAtlantic and the National Book Award-winning Let the Great World Spin. He has also written three collections of short stories, including Thirteen Ways of Looking, released in October 2015.

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Over Atlanten

1845 – Frederick Douglass, sort amerikansk slave, rejser til Irland for at tale om frihed og demokrati. 1919 - de to piloter Alcock og Brown foretager den førte flyvning non-stop over Atlanterhavet fra Newfoundland til Irland. 1998 – senator George Mitchell krydser Atlanten for endnu en gang at mødes med fredsprocessens parter i Nordirland. Da den unge tjenestepige Lily Duggan hører Douglass tale under hans besøg i Irland, inspireres hun til at emigrere til Amerika. Hendes handling får ikke bare store konsekvenser for hendes eget liv, men også for drømmene og ambitionerne hos hendes kvindelige efterkommere i tre generationer. Colum McCann lader fiktionen krydse virkeligheden i en elegant konstrueret fortælling over to kontinenter og tre århundreder, hvor historiske bedrifter spejler hverdagens modige handlinger.
19,32  EUR
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EditionVersion 2
Printed pages333 Sider
Publish date16 Aug 2013
Published byPeople's
ISBN epub9788771375374
ISBN audio9788771590111