About the author

Diana Evans (born c. 1971), also known as Diana Omo Evans, is a British novelist, journalist and critic who was born and lives in London.

Evans has written three full-length novels. Her first novel, 26a, published in 2005, won the Orange Award for New Writers, the Betty Trask Award and the deciBel Writer of the Year award. According to Diriye Osman in the Huffington Post: "Here was a Bildungsroman of such daring and sustained elegance that it felt like a gorgeous dance of a novel. In many ways, it is apropos that this book which focused on the secret bond that exists between twins was followed in 2009 by the equally masterful The Wonder, a novel rooted in the world of dance."

Also a journalist, Evans has written for publications including Marie Claire, The Independent, The Observer, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times and Harper’s Bazaar.

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SPRINGET er historien om drengen Lucas, der som barn troede, at alle forældreløse børn boede på en husbåd. Nu som en ung mand bor han stadig på den samme husbåd med sin søster, Denise, og undersøger i hemmelighed indholdet af et gammelt træskab. Her finder han rekvisitter fra Midnatsballetten, en dansetrup fra 60’erne med hans far, den karismatiske Antoney, som kunstnerisk leder. I Lucas’ søgen efter historien bag Midnatsballetten hører han om danseprøver, kunstneriske uoverensstemmelser, forræderier og den store turné. Vigtigst af alt får Lucas kendskab til Antoneys lidenskabelige og stormfulde forhold til Carla, Lucas’ mor. Og hvad der fik Antoney til at forsvinde. En enestående fortælling om dansens inderste væsen og kampen mellem kærlighed og kreativitet. Finder Lucas det, han leder efter? Ønsker han dybest set at kende sin families historie?
10,06  EUR
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Printed pages396 Sider
Publish date04 Feb 2013
Published byForlaget Aronsen
ISBN epub9788799559855