About the author

Ib Michael (born 1945 in Roskilde, Denmark) is a Danish novelist and poet. His writing style has been described as magic realism.

He attended the University of Copenhagen, where he studied Central American and Indian Language and Culture. Michael is the author of the works "Kejserfortællingen" (The Tiger's Tale), "Kilroy, Kilroy", "Vanillepigen" (The Vanilla Girl), "Den tolvte rytter" (The Midnight Soldier), "Brev til månen" (Letter to the Moon), and "Prins" (Prince). He has won numerous awards, including the Otto Gelsted Prize in 1978, The Booksellers Club Golden Laurel in 1990, The Danish Author Association Peace Prize in 1991, and the Grand Prize of the Danish Academy in 1994.

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Vilde engle

Først kom Blå bror, så kom Sorte huller og nu kommer tredje bind i trilogien, Vilde Engle. Vilde engle begynder i Thailand anden juledag 2004, da tsunamien skyller ind over den ø, hvor fortælleren bor. Fortælleren, der har brudt alle broer til Danmark, ser efter tsunamien sit snit til at bytte identitet med en omkommet amerikaner, og oplever bl.a. en hed affære med en skøn kvinde, der ikke fortæller ham alt, hvad hun ved.
13,91  EUR
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Printed pages376
Publish date18 Feb 2010
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702086126
ISBN epub9788702097221
ISBN audio9788702081398