About the author

Nelle Harper Lee (April 28, 1926 – February 19, 2016) was an American novelist widely known for To Kill a Mockingbird, published in 1960. Immediately successful, it won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and has become a classic of modern American literature. Though Lee had only published this single book, in 2007 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contribution to literature. Additionally, Lee received numerous honorary degrees, though she declined to speak on those occasions. She was also known for assisting her close friend Truman Capote in his research for the book In Cold Blood (1966). Capote was the basis for the character Dill in To Kill a Mockingbird.

The plot and characters of To Kill a Mockingbird are loosely based on Lee's observations of her family and neighbors, as well as an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 10 years old. The novel deals with the irrationality of adult attitudes towards race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s, as depicted through the eyes of two children. The novel was inspired by racist attitudes in her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama.

Another novel, Go Set a Watchman, was written in the mid-1950s and published in July 2015 as a "sequel", though it was later confirmed to be To Kill a Mockingbird's first draft.

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Sæt en vagtpost ud

Femoghalvtreds år efter at Harper Lees eneste roman og udødelige klassiker "Dræb ikke en sangfugl" udkom, kommer der nu endelig en toer. "Sæt en vagtpost ud" foregår i midten af 1950’erne og 20 år efter "Dræb ikke en sangfugl".

Den nu 26 år gamle Scout (Jean Louise Finch) er vendt hjem fra New York for at besøge faren Atticus i den lille by Maycomb, Alabama, hvor hun voksede op.
I en tid hvor racediskriminationen raser i USA, er Jean Louise tvunget til at kæmpe med politiske såvel som personlige problemer, idet hun forsøger at forstå sin fars holdning til samfundet og sine egne følelser omkring det sted, hun er født og opvokset.

"Dræb ikke en sangfugl" er solgt i over 40 millioner eksemplarer og blev i 1961 tildelt Pulitzerprisen. Siden er bogen blevet en klassiker i amerikansk litteratur.
12,75  EUR
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Printed pages296 Sider
Publish date14 Jul 2015
ISBN epub9788711465264
ISBN audio9788711474761