About the author

Erik Amdrup (born 21 February 1923 in Visby, Tønder, Denmark, died 22 February 1998) was a Danish professor of surgery, doctor, and author.

From 1965, Amdrup was assistant head doctor at Københavns Kommunehospital, from 1971 to 1988 he was head of gastroenterological surgery at Århus kommunehospital and professor of surgery at Århus Universitet. His work on peptic ulcers and surgical treatment of these won international acclaim. He was active in research at the Institutt for Eksperimentell Klinisk Forskning at Århus Universitet, and was the institute's leader for a time.

Aged 56, Amdrup made in his debut in 1979 as a fiction author with the crime novel Hilsen fra Hans. Many of his novels were acclaimed as the year's best Danish crime novel. The novel Renters rente was filmed as a Danish TV series in 1996.

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Da to unge forskere uventet dør på professor Erwin Ralps forskningsinstitut, er det lidt af en katastrofe. Det er Erwin Ralps fortjeneste, at instituttet har fået så stor international anerkendelse, som det har, men Erwin Ralp er blevet en ældre herre, der er afhængig af de unge hjerners idérighed. I kølvandet på dødsfaldene må Erwin Ralp sande, at der er en del intriger blandt instituttets ansatte. Har disse intriger forbindelse til de to dødsfald? Og hvor meget behøver Erwin Ralp fortælle politiet om de sande forhold på forskningsinstituttet?
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Printed pages230 Sider
Publish date02 Aug 2016
ISBN epub9788711527672