About the author

John Franklin Broxholme (born 11 June 1930 Bradford, died 24 June 2000 Bury St Edmunds) was an English thriller writer who published fifteen novels in a little over twenty years (1971–1993) using the pen name of Duncan Kyle.

Reminiscent of the work of Desmond Bagley, Kyle's books typically involve a tough, resourceful individual who unexpectedly becomes involved in danger and intrigue in an exotic setting. A Cage of Ice, for example, involves a London physician who accompanies a hand-picked team of adventurers on a snowmobile journey across the Arctic to rescue a defecting Soviet scientist. Green River High follows another group of adventurers into the jungles of Borneo in search of a plane that crashed there during World War II. Kyle's novels are, like those of Bagley and Alistair MacLean, stronger on plot and setting than on characterization. They are invariably well-crafted, however, and two--The King's Commissar and The Dancing Men—are classics of the historical fiction and historical detective story genres, respectively.

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En pludselig indskydelse

Israelerne jager ham på grund af den fejlslagne flykapring …
Russerne jager ham, fordi han har kidnappet deres kvindelige topgymnast …
Englænderne jager ham på grund af de blodige spor, han efterlader i sit kølvand …

Selv jager han nazibøddelen "Slagteren fra Layerhausen" – den enkelte jødes hævn i millioner af dødes navn.

Duncan Kyle er pseudonym for den engelske forfatter John Franklin Broxholm (1930-2001), som udmærkede sig inden for thrillergenren. Efter sin debutroman, "Efter præsidentens ordre" (originaltitel "A Cage of Ice"), i 1971 udgav Duncan Kyle yderligere 14 bøger, som vandt stor popularitet og blev oversat til flere forskellige sprog.
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Printed pages256 Sider
Publish date08 Sep 2017
ISBN epub9788711803868