About the author

Marilynne Summers Robinson (born November 26, 1943) is an American novelist and essayist. Across her writing career, Robinson has received numerous awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2005, National Humanities Medal in 2012, and the 2016 Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction. In 2016, Robinson was named in Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people. Robinson began teaching at the Iowa Writers' Workshop in 1991 and retired in the spring of 2016.

Robinson is best known for her novels Housekeeping (1980) and Gilead (2004). Her novels are noted for their thematic depiction of both rural life and faith. The subjects of her essays have spanned numerous topics, including the relationship between religion and science, US history, nuclear pollution, John Calvin, and contemporary American politics.

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1950'ernes USA: Lila, som er både ensom og hjemløs, søger ly fra regnen iden lille by Gileads kirke, og her møder hun kirkens pastor. Herfra forandres hendes tilværelse sig radikalt.

I årevis har hun vandret formålsløst rundt, men nu befinder hun sig pludselig i faste rammer i et lille samfund, hvor hun har slået sig ned som hustru til byens noget ældre pastor John Ames. Lila voksede op sammen med Doll, en ung og snarrådig vagabond, som tog hende til sig, og sammen levede de fra hånden til munden uden andre end hinanden at stole på. På trods af de hårde kår, var der imidlertid også glimt af ømhed og kærlighed i deres omflakkende tilværelse. Efter at Lila slår sig ned i Gilead, kæmper hun for at forene sin tidligere barske tilværelse med sit nye liv i faste rammer og med sin mands kristne verdenssyn.

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Publish date23 Feb 2015
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702165869