About the author

Cecil Louis Troughton Smith (27 August 1899 – 2 April 1966), known by his pen name Cecil Scott "C. S." Forester, was an English novelist known for writing tales of naval warfare, such as the 12-book Horatio Hornblower series depicting a Royal Navy officer during the Napoleonic wars. The Hornblower novels A Ship of the Line and Flying Colours were jointly awarded the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction in 1938. His other works include The African Queen (1935, filmed in 1951 by John Huston).

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Kommandør Hornblower

Bind 1. Et linjeskib

Englænderne rykker frem i Spanien, og under franskmændenes forsøg på at standse dem blotter de deres ene flanke. Kommandør Hornblower får ordre om at gå til angreb med skibet ”Sutherland”, og han vinder snart flere sejre. Men til sidst bliver hans skib skudt sønder og sammen af fjenden. Han må bøje sig for overmagten og bliver taget til fange – sejrens sødme forvandles til nederlagets bitre kalk.
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Printed pages282 Sider
Publish date28 Sep 2015
ISBN epub9788771744798