About the author

Johannes Vilhelm Jensen (commonly known as Johannes V. Jensen; 20 January 1873 – 25 November 1950) was a Danish author, often considered the first great Danish writer of the 20th century. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1944 "for the rare strength and fertility of his poetic imagination with which is combined an intellectual curiosity of wide scope and a bold, freshly creative style". One of his sisters, Thit Jensen, was also a well-known writer and a very vocal, and occasionally controversial, early feminist.

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Paa danske Veje

Paa Danske Veje handler om Sommerture i det automobilkørende Danmark, Rekreation med et Ærinde, idet en arkæologisk Orientering ligger til Grund. Bogen er tænkt som en Introduktion til Oldtidsmindesmærker i Landet, i Mangel af Fører, hvor man finder dem og hvad de betyder i Sammenhæng med Landskabet. Den er forsynet med et indtrængende Indlæg for Totalfredning af, hvad der endnu er tilbage af Gravhøje og Dysser i Landet.

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Publish date19 Dec 2016
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702204452