About the author

Joel C. Rosenberg (born April 17, 1967) is an American/Israeli communications strategist, author of the Last Jihad series, founder of The Joshua Fund, and an Evangelical Christian. He has written five novels about terrorism and how he feels that it relates to Bible prophecy, including Gold Medallion Book Award winner The Ezekiel Option. He also has written two nonfiction books, Epicenter and Inside the Revolution, on what he sees as the resemblance of biblical prophecies and current events. He and his wife Lynn have four sons: Caleb, Jacob, Jonah and Noah and reside in Israel.

About the author

Joel C. Rosenberg (born April 17, 1967) is an American/Israeli communications strategist, author of the Last Jihad series, founder of The Joshua Fund, and an Evangelical Christian. He has written five novels about terrorism and how he feels that it relates to Bible prophecy, including Gold Medallion Book Award winner The Ezekiel Option. He also has written two nonfiction books, Epicenter and Inside the Revolution, on what he sees as the resemblance of biblical prophecies and current events. He and his wife Lynn have four sons: Caleb, Jacob, Jonah and Noah and reside in Israel.

Det Endelige Valg

3. bog i den politiske thrillerserie som ligger 

tæt op ad morgendagens avisoverskrifter

Med Saddam Hussein og Yasser Arafat ude af billedet, ser det nu ud til, at Mellemøsten går en strålende fremtid i møde med både velstand og sikkerhed. Med hjælp fra den amerikanske præsident, som prøver på at sprede frihed og demokrati, har israelerne og palæstinenserne underskrevet en historisk fredsaftale. Volden er faldende og økonomien er blomstrende.

Men i horisonten ulmer et nyt onde. Efter at Ruslands rigeste oliesheik er blevet dræbt, balancerer Moskva pludselig på kanten til politisk kaos. En diktator rejser sig, og Rusland begynder at forberede sig på krig. Iran bygger i al hast masseødelæggelsesvåben, og Babylon går igen dets oprindelig storhed i møde. En ny Ondskabens Akse ser ud til at være på vej. Og Jon Bennett og Erin McCoy – de to seniorrådgivere i Det Hvide Hus – er endnu engang fanget i krydsilden og står pludselig overfor deres livs mest hårrejsende spørgsmål: ER VERDEN HASTIGT PÅ VEJ MOD DOMMEDAG – SOM DET BLEV FORUDSAGT AF EN PROFET FOR MERE END 2500 ÅR SIDEN?

16,02  EUR
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Printed pages448
Publish date07 Feb 2014
ISBN print9788771324846