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Working With Danes: Tips for Americans

An enjoyable look at doing business in Denmark

Many Americans enjoy working in Denmark or working with Danish business partners. But while Denmark is a great place to do business - with excellent infrastructure, minimal corruption, and flexible business structures – there are significant differences between American and Danish working culture. Why is being a boss in Denmark - or working for a Danish boss - so different than the boss-employee relationship in the US? What is "the law of Jante" and why does it mean that you should go easy on the positive feedback and compliments when working with Danes? Why are there fewer women in management in egalitarian Denmark than in the US? What do you need to know about Danish business etiquette? How far in advance should you schedule a Danish business meeting? Should you bring gifts to your Danish business partners? This fun, easy-to-read book by an American who has worked with several Danish companies will explain the do’s and don’ts of doing business in Denmark. It will help Americans understand their Danish colleagues better and avoid simple mistakes.
Printed pages208 Sider
Publish date20 Aug 2020
Published byKXM Group
ISBN epub9788799845583
ISBN audio9788799845590