About the author

Hanne Albert is a Danish physiotherapist and has a MPH, and a Ph.D. in medical science. She is a researcher within medical science, and her main research interest is in low back pain and pelvic girdle pain. Dr. Hanne Albert has through her study suggested and later show that the painful condition bone œdema (modic changes) could be caused by a bacterial infection and treated with antibiotics.

Case rapport

En grundbog i praksisformidling

"Omsider har vi her fået en bog, som på glimrende vis formidler, hvordan man faktisk anvender det at skrive en case rapport om sin praksis.""Bogen formår i høj grad at beskrive forskelle og ligheder mellem det at forske og det at skrive en case rapport, og forfatterne formår at fremstille metoden som tilgængelig og overkommelig."
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Printed pages176 Sider
Publish date01 Jan 2007
Published byMunksgaard
ISBN pdf9788762806832