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Role Play: Cops & Robbers - Erotic Short Story

" 'Are you ready for a punish-fuck?' he wonders.

Her lips are still wrapped around his cock and Angelika can only nod her reply. He pulls out from her beautiful, plump lips."

Today Angelika and Ludvig are doing a role play together: Cop & Robber. They will leave their ordinary lives, musts, personalities and set roles behind to instead take on a whole new existence and transform into someone else. Albeit briefly.
Amidst other people, they will play the first scene in public downtown. Part two will, however, be enacted behind closed doors.

Angelika is the robber. Ludvig is the police.

The tension between them is almost palpable, as electrically charged as it is thrilling. The props, the dialogue, the roles - everything is set. They are full of erotic anticipation and virtually trembling with horniness...

Let the game begin.

The Roleplay: Cops & Robbers is an erotic short story about the thrill and possibilities of transforming into someone else for a moment. B. J. Hermansson skillfully creates short stories that encompass both quick-witted prose and poetic descriptions. The underlying tone in these texts often inspires the reader to contemplate and question our established, pre-conceived ideas, especially when it comes to the normal, standards and sexuality.
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Printed pages14 Sider
Publish date26 Oct 2020
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726311358