About the author

Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Kleist (18 October 1777 – 21 November 1811) was a German poet, dramatist, novelist, short story writer and journalist. His best known works are the theatre plays Das Käthchen von Heilbronn, The Broken Jug, Amphitryon, Penthesilea and the novellas Michael Kohlhaas and The Marquise of O. Kleist committed suicide together with a close female friend who was terminally ill.

The Kleist Prize, a prestigious prize for German literature, is named after him, as was the Kleist Theater in his birthplace Frankfurt an der Oder.


Forfærdelig og tragisk fortælling af Heinrich von Kleist. Kleist kunne det der med på få sider, at fortælle hvad andre skulle bruge 600 sider til.
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Publish date06 Jan 2016
Published bySFA-89
ISBN epub9788793374423