About the author

Sir Henry Rider Haggard (; 22 June 1856 – 14 May 1925) was an English writer of adventure fiction set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a pioneer of the lost world literary genre. He was also involved in agricultural reform throughout the British Empire. His stories, situated at the lighter end of Victorian literature, continue to be popular and influential.

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Kong Salomons miner

Tre mænd begiver sig ud på en farlig og anstrengende rejse for ved hjælp af et gammelt skattekort at finde de sagnomspundne Kong Salomons miner.

H. Rider Haggards berømte eventyrroman fra 1885 er i denne udgave oversat og bearbejdet af Arne Herløv Petersen.
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Printed pages130 Sider
Publish date07 Nov 2014
ISBN epub9788711349694