About the author

Anders Bodelsen (born 1937) is a prolific Danish writer primarily associated with the 1960 new-realism wave in Danish literature, along with Christian Kampmann and Henrik Stangerup. Bodelsen prefers the social-realistic style of writing, often thrillers about middle-class people who face the consequences of materialism, which often clashes with their human values. His thrillers also experiment with ordinary persons tempted by e.g. theft and border-morale issues.

Most famous is his ingenious novel Think of a Number (Tænk på et tal, 1968) filmed as The Silent Partner in 1978. Also widely known is his cooperation with Danish National Television (Danmarks Radio) on the filming of some of his children's thrillers, e.g. Guldregn ("Golden Shower", 1986).

Furthermore, he has also made some lesser known radio plays.

He has a very brief cameo in the second of the Olsen-banden series of films, Olsen-banden på spanden.

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Hændeligt uheld

Hændeligt uheld er romanen om en flugtbilist, for hvem det lykkes at komme frelst fra politijagten og holde sagen skjult for familien. Lige indtil han udsættes for en yderst utraditionel form for afpresning...

„Romanen om flugtbilisten bekræfter Anders Bodelsens dobbelte placering som thriller-forfatter på internationalt niveau – og den yngre litteraturs mest vedkommende moralist.” - HANS HERTEL, INFORMATION

„Ved sin brillans, sin logik, sin sjæleudforskning, vil „Hændeligt uheld“ næppe få færre læsere end „Tænk på et tal”. Bodelsens greb om kriminalstof er et særsyn.” – JACOB PALUDAN, AARHUUS STIFTSTIDENDE

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Publish date25 Apr 2016
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702195125
ISBN audio9788702324938