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The Watcher - erotic short story

A young female artist is enticed by a strange man observing her intently during a life-drawing course. His gaze awakens an erotic side of her she was unaware she had. It makes her sign up to be a nude model so that the watcher can see her even better. Maybe that can raise her desires to a new level.

The short story has been published in collaboration with Swedish film producer Erika Lust. Her purpose is to depict human nature and variance using stories about passion, intimacy, love and lust, in a combination of compelling stories and erotic comedy. Lea Lind is an erotic author. In addition to "The Watcher", she has published the short stories "Tinder Taxi", "The Invite" and "Flesh".
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Printed pages12 Sider
Publish date31 Jul 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726200164
ISBN audio9788726200195