About the author

John Randall Anthony Taraborrelli is an American journalist and biographer. Taraborrelli is known for biographies of contemporary entertainers and political figures such as Diana Ross, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Madonna, the Kennedy family, the Hilton family, and Beyoncé. He also regularly appears on television as an entertainment news reporter on programs such as Entertainment Tonight, Good Morning America, Today and CBS This Morning. Taraborrelli resides in Los Angeles, California.

The New York Times called Jackie, Janet & Lee "deliciously readable". The Observer reviewed Diana Ross – A Biography as "fawning" and while acknowledging the comprehensiveness of the book, regretted that the writer held back unfavorable information about the subject because he was a fan. It said The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe was written by "an indefatigable gossip hound" and criticized his vocabulary. The Gay & Lesbian Review said that Michael Jackson – The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story was a "comprehensive and even-handed biography".

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Madonna. En intim biografi

Det amerikanske musikikon Madonna (f. 1958) er kendt som en verdensstjerne, der gennem årtier har formået at indtage forsider og toppen af hitlister kloden rundt. Som en kamæleon har hun skiftet stil og sat nye standarder for mode, udtryk og holdninger.

I ‘Madonna - en intim biografi‘ fortæller Taraborrelli den fulde historie om Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone Ritchie - pigen fra Michigan, der voksede op i en børnerig familie, mistede sin mor som femårig, men vandt alle verdens rockscener. Biografien skildrer hendes opvækst, liv og karriere, og går bl.a. tæt på hendes forhold til faderen og forholdet til hendes to børns fædre.
8,89  EUR
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Printed pages640 Sider
Publish date21 Apr 2016
ISBN epub9788711492932