About the author

Immanuel Kant (UK: , US: ; German: [ɪˈmaːnu̯eːl ˈkant, -nu̯ɛl -]; 22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804) was an influential Prussian German philosopher in the Age of Enlightenment. In his doctrine of transcendental idealism, he argued that space, time, and causation are mere sensibilities; "things-in-themselves" exist, but their nature is unknowable. In his view, the mind shapes and structures experience, with all human experience sharing certain structural features. He drew a parallel to the Copernican revolution in his proposition that worldly objects can be intuited a priori ('beforehand'), and that intuition is therefore independent from objective reality. Kant believed that reason is the source of morality, and that aesthetics arise from a faculty of disinterested judgment. Kant's views continue to have a major influence on contemporary philosophy, especially the fields of epistemology, ethics, political theory, and post-modern aesthetics.

In one of Kant's major works, the Critique of Pure Reason (1781), he attempted to explain the relationship between reason and human experience and to move beyond the failures of traditional philosophy and metaphysics. Kant wanted to put an end to an era of futile and speculative theories of human experience, while resisting the skepticism of thinkers such as David Hume. Kant regarded himself as showing the way past the impasse between rationalists and empiricists, and is widely held to have synthesized both traditions in his thought.

Kant was an exponent of the idea that perpetual peace could be secured through universal democracy and international cooperation. He believed that this would be the eventual outcome of universal history, although it is not rationally planned. The nature of Kant's religious ideas continues to be the subject of philosophical dispute, with viewpoints ranging from the impression that he was an initial advocate of atheism who at some point developed an ontological argument for God, to more critical treatments epitomized by Nietzsche, who claimed that Kant had "theologian blood" and was merely a sophisticated apologist for traditional Christian faith.

Kant published other important works on ethics, religion, law, aesthetics, astronomy, and history. These include the Universal Natural History (1755), the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), the Metaphysics of Morals (1797), and the Critique of Judgment (1790), which looks at aesthetics and teleology.

Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik

Immanuel Kant var, som alle gode filosoffer, optaget af det, vi kan vide sikker besked med, og det, vi må affinde os med en relativ viden om. Hans ”kritik af den rene fornuft” resulterede således i en skarp skelnen mellem ”tingene i sig selv”, som strengt taget ligger uden for vores erkendelses formåen, og ”tingene for os”, dvs. som de foreligger via sanserne og forstandens kategorier. Det betyder ikke, at vi overalt er henvist til usikker viden, men at vi gør os vore betingelser for erkendelse og sandhed klare. Det gælder også på moralens område, hvor vi vil fastlægge godt og ondt.

Kants svar er det kategoriske imperativ. Moralske principper og værdier kan begrundes på mange måder, men vil altid afhænge af nogle bestemte forudsatte grundværdier, forankret i livs- og menneskesynet. Kant vil ikke slå ind på denne vej, men forsøger ud af fornuften selv at udlede et princip, hvormed man kan måle enhver moralsk anvisning. Dette princip, som han kalder det kategoriske imperativ, kommer derfor til at lyde således: ”Handl kun efter den maksime, om hvilken du tillige kan ville, at den bliver almen lov.”

At begrunde og udvikle dette princip nærmere er, hvad Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik – et af etikkens hovedværker – handler om.

Grundlæggelse af moralens metafysik udkom første gang på dansk i 1993 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

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Printed pages111 Sider
Publish date21 Mar 2022
Published byGyldendal
ISBN epub9788702363227