About the author

Donald Richard DeLillo (born November 20, 1936) is an American novelist, short story writer, playwright, screenwriter and essayist. His works have covered subjects as diverse as television, nuclear war, sports, the complexities of language, performance art, the Cold War, mathematics, the advent of the digital age, politics, economics, and global terrorism.

Initially he was a well-regarded cult writer; however, the publication in 1985 of White Noise brought him widespread recognition, and won him the National Book Award for fiction. It was followed in 1988 by Libra, a bestseller. DeLillo has twice been a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction finalist (for Mao II in 1992 and for Underworld in 1998), won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Mao II in 1992 (receiving a further PEN/Faulkner Award nomination for The Angel Esmeralda in 2012), was granted the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction in 2010, and won the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction in 2013.

DeLillo has described his fiction as being concerned with "living in dangerous times", and in a 2005 interview declared, "Writers must oppose systems. It's important to write against power, corporations, the state, and the whole system of consumption and of debilitating entertainments [...] I think writers, by nature, must oppose things, oppose whatever power tries to impose on us."

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Dybt utilfreds med udfaldet af Cubakrisen beslutter nogle afdankede CIA-agenter at iscenesætte et mislykket attentat mod præsident John F. Kennedy. De planlægger at attentatforsøget efterfølgende skal tilskrives Fidel Castro for på den måde at skabe modvilje mod den amerikanske udenrigspolitik.

Lee Harvey Oswald, en falleret marinesoldat, bliver udvalgt som attenetatmand. Han har længe været fascineret af Karl Marx, boet i Rusland og har derudover været aktiv i uddelingen af oplysningsmateriale til fordel for Cuba.

Men Oswald er vægelsindet og trods presset fra agenterne kan han ikke beslutte sig til, om han vil være med eller ej. Og hans beslutning bliver afgørende for Amerikas skæbne: Skal Dallas blot være et endnu et stop på præsidentens rundrejse, eller skal det blive stedet, hvor alle amerikanske drømme snigmyrdes? Don DeLillo (f. 1936) er født i New York og er en af de mest anerkendte nulevende amerikanske forfattere. Han debuterede i 1971 med romanen "Americana" og har sidenhen været en fundamental del af den postmoderne litteratur. Forfattere som Brett Easton Ellis og David Foster Wallace er begge blevet inspireret af Don DeLillos værker.
8,89  EUR
Printed pages
Publish date11 Jan 2018
ISBN audio9788711954539