About the author

Michael Shawn Malone (born January 21, 1954) is an American author, columnist, editor, investor, businessman, television producer, and has been the host of several shows on PBS. Currently (2009), Malone is a columnist for ABC News, an op-ed contributor for The Wall Street Journal, a contributing editor to Wired, and the editor-in-chief of Edgelings.com, a website focused on business and technology news in Silicon Valley.

Malone is the author of numerous books and has written the "Silicon Insider" column for ABC since 2000. In his professional writing he usually uses the name Michael S. Malone, to distinguish his work from that of another U.S. author named Michael Malone, primarily a writer of fiction.

Eksponentielle Organisationer

Hvorfor nye organisationer er ti gange bedre, hurtigere og billigere – og hvordan din også bliver det.

"Eksponentionelle organisationer" er en bog om, hvorfor den eksponentielle organisation er både hurtigere, bedre og billigere end andre organisationer. Det er en helt ny type virksomhed, som er opstået i løbet af de sidste fem år. Dens fokus er på, hvordan virksomheder via teknologi kan accelerere deres vækst.

I "Eksponentielle organisationer" har tre stærke karakterer fra forretningsverdenen analyseret det nye virksomhedsfænomen. I analyserne dokumenteres 10 afgørende karakteristika for eksponentielle organisationer. Bogen er en introduktion til denne nye virksomhedstype, og den viser læseren, hvordan en almindelig virksomhed kan blive til en eksponentiel organisation.
28,73  USD
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Printed pages372
Publish date09 Jun 2015
Published bySaxo
ISBN print9788740906745