About the author

Karin Slaughter is an American crime writer. The author of eighteen novels, Slaughter has sold more than 35 million copies of her books, which have been published in 37 languages and have debuted at #1 in the United Kingdom, Germany, and The Netherlands. Her first novel, Blindsighted (2001), was published in 27 languages and made the Crime Writers' Association's Dagger Award shortlist for "Best Thriller Debut" of 2001. She is also the 2015 CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger winner for novel Cop Town. Her novel, Pieces of Her, was published in 2018. The novel will be adapted into a television series of the same name and it will be released on Netflix.

Slaughter is a library advocate and founded Save the Libraries, a non-profit organization that campaigns to support US public libraries. The Save the Libraries fund has provided over $300,000 to the DeKalb County Public Library in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Hun har kendt hende hele livet …

Andrea Oliver ved alt om sin mor Laura. Hun ved, at hun altid har boet i den lille by Belle Isle. Hun ved, at hun er en respekteret og fasttømret del af samfundet.  Hun ved, at hun ingen hemmeligheder har.

Men hun skjuler noget …

Men så en dag ender en tur til indkøbscenteret i et blodbad og en chokerende voldshandling, og pludselig ser Andrea en helt anden side af sin mor.

Og det kan slå dem begge ihjel …

Timer senere er Laura er på hospitalet og på forsiden af alle aviser. Det går langsomt op for Andrea, at hun alligevel ikke kender sin mor så godt, som hun troede. Farerne er først lige begyndt, og Andrea må ud på en livsfarlig jagt for at finde sandheden om sin mors fortid, før det er for sent. Gør hun det ikke, er begge deres liv i fare.



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Publish date11 Sep 2018
ISBN epub9789150790801
ISBN audio9789176332689