Co-Creation Cards

Nye inspirationskort til arbejdet med innovation og design, især til samarbejde mellem forskellige parter i kreativt udviklingsarbejde på uddannelser og i virksomheder, vil ”synliggøre nye fremtidsmuligheder” ifølge professor Poul Rind Christensen fra Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse.

Kortene er udviklet af den danske designer og forsker Silje Kamille Friis, og ingen ringere end Don Norman fra The Design Lab ved University of California priser metodekortenes praktiske anvendelighed: ”These Co-Creation cards provide cues, probes, and inspiration for the four design stages of Collection (of knowledge about the existing situation), Comprehension, Conceptualisation, and Creation; the stages are repeatedly iterated until the final result is achieved. The activities of designing are most often done in groups, within which the diversity of individuals offers a rich source of ideas, creativity, and differing points of view, as well as tension, miscommunication, and disarray. This is the stage of Collaboration, often left out in design teaching. These Co-Creation Cards provide a strong contribution to students and professional practitioners both in creating new solutions and in helping collaborators to take advantage of diversity while avoiding its pitfalls. Highly recommended.”
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Publish date17 Sep 2015
Published byU Press
ISBN print5711612023879