About the author

Jan Oskar Sverre Lucien Henri Guillou (Swedish pronunciation: [¹jɑːn ɡɪ¹juː], French: [ɡiju]; born 17 January 1944) is a French-Swedish author and journalist. Among his books are a series of spy fiction novels about a spy named Carl Hamilton, and a trilogy(+) of historical fiction novels about a Knight Templar, Arn Magnusson. He is the owner of one of the largest publishing companies in Sweden, Piratförlaget (Pirate Publishing), together with his wife, publisher Ann-Marie Skarp, and Liza Marklund.

Guillou's fame in Sweden was established during his time as an investigative journalist. In 1973, he and co-reporter Peter Bratt exposed a secret intelligence organization in Sweden, Informationsbyrån (IB). He is still active within journalism as a column writer for the Swedish evening tabloid Aftonbladet.

In October 2009, the tabloid Expressen accused Guillou of having been active as an agent of the Soviet spy organization KGB between 1967 and 1972. Guillou confirmed he had a series of contacts with KGB representatives during this period, he also confirms having received payments from KGB, but maintains that his purpose was to collect information for his journalistic work. The accusation was based on documents released from the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) and interviews with former KGB Colonel Oleg Gordievsky. In a later trial, Expressen denied having accused Guillou of having been a Soviet spy, claiming that this was a false interpretation of its headlines and reporting.

Den agtværdige morder

5. Bind

En pensioneret general og en pensioneret admiral bliver dræbt. Den ene har fået et hagekors skåret ind i brystet, inden han døde. Og selve mordet er udført med en nærmest manisk hadefuldhed, som et langtrukkent ritual, hvor morderen eller morderne har forsøgt at holde offeret i live så længe som muligt for at forøge lidelsen og ydmygelsen.

Carl Hamiltons chef har personlig interesse i opklaringen, og Carl og hans to medarbejdere sættes i gang med en undersøgelse parallelt med politiets. Sagen viser sig snart at have forbindelse tilbage til Anden Verdenskrig, og Carl Hamilton bliver konfronteret med et ikke særligt flatterende kapitel af sit lands fortid, der handler om bedrag, menneskeforagt, racisme og ligegyldighed. I øvrigt er han blevet gift med Eva-Britt og på vej til at blive far.
11,33  EUR
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Printed pages461
Publish date09 Oct 2008
Published byModtryk
ISBN print9788770532181