About the author

Zygmunt Bauman (; 19 November 1925 – 9 January 2017) was a Polish Jew, sociologist and philosopher. He was driven out of Poland by a political purge in 1968 engineered by the Communist government of the Polish People's Republic and forced to give up his Polish citizenship to move to Israel. Three years later he moved to the United Kingdom. He resided in England from 1971 and became Professor of Sociology at the University of Leeds, later Emeritus. Bauman was one of the world's most eminent social theorists, writing on issues as diverse as modernity and the Holocaust, postmodern consumerism and liquid modernity.

Fagre flydende verden

Fagre flydende verden er en samling af tekster fra Zygmunt Baumans forfatterskab de seneste ca. 15 år. Bogen samler centrale kapitler og tekster og tegner et portræt af Baumans samtidsdiagnose med fokus på centrale følelser og temaer som frygt, ondskab, lidelse og lykke samt refleksioner over sociologiens natur og rolle i samfundet.

Bogen er redigeret af professor Michael Hviid Jacobsen, AAU, som også har forfattet bogens indledning og interviewet Bauman om tendenser og pointer i det sene forfatterskab.

30,32  USD
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Printed pages276
Publish date03 Feb 2015
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788741256542