About the author

Erlend Loe (born 24 May 1969 in Trondheim) is a Norwegian novelist, screenwriter and film critic. Loe writes both children's and adult literature. He has gained popularity in Scandinavia with his humorous and sometimes naïve novels, although his stories have become darker in tone, moving towards a more satirical criticism of modern Norwegian society.

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Den 25-årige hovedperson har to venner. En god og en dårlig. Og så har han en bror, der heller ikke er særlig sympatisk. Når denne bror slår ham i crocket, ramler hele hans tilværelse sammen. Naiv.Super er en enkel historie om meget komplicerede ting. Erlend Loes debutroman blev en kæmpe succes i Norge og en kultbibel for en hel generation.
12,27  EUR
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Printed pages176
Publish date07 Mar 2014
Published byGyldendal
ISBN print9788702158977
ISBN epub9788702185010
ISBN audio9788702129229