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The Game with Mr. X - Sexy erotica

I got a text message. I shouldn't have looked at all. I grabbed my phone to switch off the sound ahead of time so it wouldn‘t disturb the meeting. But of course, I couldn't help checking the message:

"No other women can be as wet and as tight as you. Painful how much my body misses yours. P."

That's not the kind of text you should receive right before stepping into an important meeting with your boss. How are you supposed to discuss a pay raise when all you can do is smile and think about the violent orgasms you reached with your previous boss, who suddenly has contacted you again? It‘s unbelievable hoe one text can turn your whole world upside down...

This short story is published in collaboration with the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her intention is to depict human nature and diversity through stories of passion, intimacy, lust and love in a fusion of powerful stories and erotica. Olrik is an erotic auhtor who has written a number of erotic short stories. Other stories by the author are Dirty Doctor, The Nymph and the Fauns, Spanish Summer, Jenny the Pirate and The Red Diamond.
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Printed pages11 Sider
Publish date08 Jul 2019
Published byLUST
ISBN epub9788726108095
ISBN audio9788726124279