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The Highly Sensitive, Green Ball Goes to School

The Highly Sensitive, Green Ball Goes to School - A children’s picture book about being highly sensitive. The green ball has a hard time fitting in when it starts school. The noise in the classroom is very loud. Its sweater is scratching. The chairs are too hard, and it is difficult for the ball to sit quietly on its round bottom. One day the impressions just get too many… The story is about when things get too much and what can happen then. But no matter who we are, we are all unique and especially good at something. The children’s book is conceived as a tool for parents and children who are highly sensitive, but at the same time it is a book that everybody can read because we are all different. Together, parents and children can discuss the advantages and challenges that highly sensitive children experience in their everyday lives being easily overwhelmed and extra susceptible to impressions. It is important that the children work constructively with feelings of being different, outside or inadequate – and instead shift their attention to what they are especially good at due to being highly sensitive. The book is the first in a series of books about being highly sensitive. It is written and illustrated by Marie Elisabeth A. Franck Mortensen. She is a Danish artist, author and public speaker – and highly sensitive herself. She has written and published an adult book about creativity and personal development as well as two colouring books for adults. She is the owner of the inspirational garden “” in Denmark. The book is published in Danish - in a hardback print version and as an eBook.
12,08  EUR
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Printed pages38 Sider
Publish date21 Apr 2017
ISBN pdf9788799541362